Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pizza Hut thin crust pizza

If I am being truthful. I have to say never again. I love thin crust pizza because the crust is airy, tender and crisp. The crust on this pizza is to thick and pie crust like. I guess I shouldn't have made a decision based on what soda they could deliver.

A plus or Pizza Hut is the P'zone. I love those things.

Lays Wavy Au Gratin Chips

They have some serious MSG goodness. They are good and I wish they weren't in my apartment because I am having trouble to stop eating them.

I love potato flavor potato chips.

The thing is that while eating them I can taste how bad they are for me but I love them.

So how does the rest of the world feel about chips??

Food blogging

I have attempted to do the food blogging before with people and like all things it fizzled after a while.

I am going to attempt to do it again. I will also try to include more everything. Food, thoughts, recipes.

So wish me luck.